Running Start

What is Running Start?

Running Start is a 6-week summer bridge program for local high school students completing the 12th grade. Running Start provides services to students who may be financially and/or academically underprepared and who may not assess into college-level Math and English. There are 35 spots available each summer and students must go through an interview process to be selected. The Program will begin June 16th to July 24th.

What is the goal of the program?

The goal of the program is to assist students in making a smooth transition to college life. The Running Start Program will provide students the academic and tutorial support, and the financial assistance necessary to be a successful college student. In return, students provide the motivation and a strong work ethic.

Student responsibility:
  • Enroll in Assigned Summer Courses: PD 100: College Success and CHST 101: Mexican-American (Chicano) History in the U.S.
    • Add Codes will be provided by the Running Start Advisor
  • Attend School:
    • In-Person Class: Monday – Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 10:05 a.m.
    • Student Success Time (Tutoring and Advising)-10:35 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
    • Field Trips 
  • Attending Class and Field Trips is mandatory to earn your weekly pay stubs!
Running Start will provide the following:
  • Tutoring, Counseling and Peer Advising
  • Introduction to our EOPS Program
  • Meal Plan (Free Lunch in School and Field Trips) 
  • School Supplies
  • Field trip/activities (Ex. Dodger Game and Universal Studios)
  • Students receive $400 per week upon meeting the mandatory student responsibilities
Steps to Enrollment:
Step 1 

Students must complete the Running Start Interest Form to begin the evaluation process

Step 2

Apply for SBCC as a Dual Enrollment Student (If you have previously taken an SBCC Dual Enrollment Course and have applied as a Dual Enrollment student in the past you can skip this step) Click here for instructions on applying for Dual Enrollment

Step 3

Students must have completed Steps 1, 2 and obtained a K number before completing the CCPG application in order to meet the eligibility requirement for the program. Complete your application using your Pipeline email and K number. (Note Apply for the Fall 2024 to Summer 2025 Application) Once completed, forward the email determining your CCPG eligibility to 


Interested? Questions?

Please contact Jesus to learn about the application process:
Jesus Torres- Student Program Advisor/ Running Start Coordinator 

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